Create cool applications quickly and practice!

We know that an idea can slip through the fingers to take a long time to air.
With Mockapp you create very fast applications because everything was already set up, you simply use.

It's free and open source ;)


Get Started Fast

Create really cool applications in minutes ;)

The Installation is very simple, but first you need to install Node.js, After, just execute command in your terminal:

$ Terminal

  • npm install -g cordova mockapp
Create an application, this process will create a folder with the name of your app and download all dependencies:

$ Terminal

  • mockapp new MyCoolApp
Now enter the folder you created and test its direct in the browser, when you edit your app will automatically reload:

$ Terminal

  • cd MyCoolApp
  • mockapp preview

Your Main Features & Benefits

Mockapp was created to give the power to create cool applications very quickly in order to validate your idea!
It's not recommended for applications in the final production version.

Simplified commands
All files are designed to speed the development of an app, the commands are simplified for you to focus on the idea that is the most important.
UX/UI design
The user experience and components interface are most important in application's validation process, the mockapp brings rich components.
Documentation that inspires
Do not waste time thinking about how to do, see the documentation and examples for different contexts applications. See docs.

Make with love

Code licensed under MIT